General Overview

Since graduating college in 2017 I’ve been in NYC, professionally doing software stuff and non-professionally making comedy things and short films. Over the years I’ve been at Disney Streaming Services, Capital One and Capsule. Right now I’m part of a small team working on building a counterintelligence tool in the crypto space. I’ve mostly worked with Python and Java but I’ve been known to dabble in C++, Goland or Typescript when a project calls for it.

I’m one of those “I always need a project” people because – well, I don’t know why and to figure that out requires more introspection than I have at the moment. But I love learning new things and trying to get my hands dirty to make something I can be proud of. I enjoy collaborating and really love the process of seeing something through from beginning to end. This has included learning VFX and color correction to edit a short film I wrote and dabbling in front-end development to make a silly Wordle style game.

You can check out the Project page to see some of the things I’ve worked on that I’m most proud of (note: things I’m not proud of have been excluded from this site).


  • I watch a lot of movies
  • I took Hebrew for 13 years in school and am barely conversational (read: not conversational)
  • I have finished a NYTimes Saturday crossword.