Some of the things I’m the most proud of. Broken down by section.


Untold Genius

This is a ten episode web series I made from 2018-2021.

The elevator pitch: Untold Genius is a 10 episode mockumentary told in the style of Ken Burns, wherein each week documentarian Art Fisher tells a story of a fallen star; somebody prolific in their field who fell from grace for some (usually bizarre) reason. However, as the series progresses, we start to peel back on the filmmaker behind these documentaries, and things gradually devolve into something far more nefarious – with Art going to increasingly awful lengths to get a good story.

It features a cast of 55, over 30 different locations, took 3 years of my life and almost killed me. I have flirted with writing some kind of blog post about this entire process and how hard it was. We’ll see if I ever get around to it.

Leibniz’s Law (Coming Soon)

A sci-fi short film I wrote, edited and co-directed in 2019. It tells the story of a young woman who has to make a terrifying choice in a future where all memories are stored on the cloud.

Currently waiting to hear back from festivals. Reach out if you want a link.


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are (Rosencrantz and Guildenster are Dead)

A 30-minute one-act play that was performed in July 2022 at the Brooklyn Comedy Collective starring Tami Sagher, Moshe Lobel, Yoni Lotan, Lydia Hensler and Ben Warheit.

Elevator Pitch: Based on the 1966 Tom Stoppard play, this show is an irreverent and absurd one-act where Rosencrantz and Guildenstern realize they’re characters in a meta-play written by Tom Stoppard. Subsequently he realizes that he’s a character in a meta-meta-play written by Etai Shuchatowitz. And it only gets dumber from there.



This is a library I worked on as part of my Master’s thesis with Dr. Daniele Panozzo at NYU Geometry Processing’s Lab. It’s a static code generator that takes in a C Function and outputs the nth level derivative faster than PyTorch or other comparable libraries. (Paper, Code)


A simple web game made similar to all of the Wordle/Framed/Heardle style games. This one resets every day with a new song and six tries to figure out what song Etai is singing. Each guess makes the game a little easier. This was a project done to get familiar with NextJS and is hosted on Vercel.

Bitcoin Sentiment Analysis

Architected and built a system that gathers tweets in real-time, filters based on bitcoin-specific keywords, and outputs the tweet and its corresponding sentiment score to a file. I wrote a whole blog about this.